Exceptional Learners
Vision and Purpose
Mission/Our Statement of Purpose: Through innovation and dedication, we educate all students through graduation. The MSD of Lawrence Township offers a free, appropriate, public education for all students in the least restrictive environment.
The Division of Exceptional Learners assists students in receiving the individualized services they need to be successful in school. The supports include the implementation of research based practices hat are individualized, appropriate, legally compliant, and fiscally sound. Additionally, resources and interventions target the student's social and instructional needs allowing for a successful transition from preschool services at age 3, through post high school services at age 22.
The Division of Exceptional Learners promotes the inclusion of students with disabilities in their least restrictive environment to ensure equitable access to general education instruction. In providing an equitable and diverse education for our students, we provide the tools needed to advocate and empower our parents/guardians to be active members in our school communities to create and develop individualized educational plans for their child.
Procedural Safeguards:
As the parent or guardian of a child who has or may have a disability, you have certain rights (also called procedural safeguards) under federal and state laws. These are listed on Notice of Procedural Safeguards and Parent Rights in Special Education available below:
Procedural Safeguards - English Procedural Safeguards - Spanish
Department of Exceptional Learners